Our panel of editors reviewed 125 research summaries from scientists from around the world. They selected for publication 30 stories that they felt most clearly communicated breakthroughs of interest to the optics community. Some of the summaries have related multimedia that you can access using the links below. Thanks to all who submitted summaries as well as to our panel of guest editors: Robert D. Guenther, the panel chair, and guest editors Svetlana Boriskina, Mihaela Dinu, Dmitry Dylov, Alexandre Fong, Andrew Forbes, G. Groot Gregory, Arlene Smith and Stephen R. Wilk.

Quantum Computing
Multiphoton boson sampling; deterministic single-photon sources in 2-D semiconductors

Optical Communications
Ultrafast laser-written devices; magnetic routing of light-induced waveguides; unscrambling light on a photonic chip; nanopillar LEDs in III–V/silicon

Entangled Light
Blurring the classical-quantum divide; on-chip entangled quDit states

Repairing blood vessel problems with light; electro-active optical waveguides for flu detection; imaging biological-cell forces; waveguides made of bacteria

Dual-axis OCT; super-resolution photoacoustics; subwavelength EUV imaging; real-time imaging of ferroelectric domain growth; scatter-plate microscopy

Meta-optics in high-index dielectrics; molecular nanophotonics; hard-X-ray magnetic tomography; holographic optical nanoparticle manipulation

Nonlinear Optics
Field-induced nonlinearities in silicon; OPA gains in ultra-silicon-rich nitride; Weyl points in optics

Photon Statistics
Tuning photon bunching in disordered lattices

Photonic Structures
Mirrorless Fano laser; 3-D topological photonics; light concentration in a dielectric cavity

Multidimensional dual-comb spectroscopy