Photonic Signal Processing for Biomedical and Industrial Ultrasonic Probes

Nabeel A. Riza, CREOL, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Fla

Ultrasonics has been widely used in medical, indus¬trial, and scientific applications. In medical applications, ultrasonics is an essential diagnostic method in internal medicine, urology, and vascular surgery. High-Intensity Focussed Ultrasound (HIFU) and lithotripsy applications use relatively low ultrasonic frequencies (< 100 KHz), while a 5-15 MHz band is typically used in diagnostic external cavity imaging ultrasound. Today, with endoscopic applications in mind, a very high ultrasonic frequency, e.g., 100 MHz, probe with high (> 50%) instantaneous bandwidths is highly desirable as higher frequencies give higher imaging resolution and smaller physical dimensions of the front-end intracavity transducer array.

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