March 2017 Issue
Feature Articles

Photonics, Fiber and THz Wireless Communication
Optical-fiber’s long-haul strengths, coupled with improvements in terahertz wireless signal generation and handling with photonic technology, could constitute part of the solution for a data-hungry society.
by Haymen Shams and Alwyn Seeds
III-V-on-Silicon Integration
Advances in integrating direct-bandgap III-V semiconductors on silicon could help drive silicon photonics forward.
by Dries Van Thourhout, Zhechao Wang and Günther Roelkens
Estelle Glancy: An Optics Pioneer
Over the course of her career, Estelle Glancy was the only female scientist in eyewear lens design. Forty years after her death, she is finally gaining recognition for her innovations.
by Dick WhitneyDepartments and Columns

Research and Industry News
Macro-scale OCT on a chip; leaf-inspired photochemical reactor; flexible; transparent conductor; optoDroplets; 3-D printing an imager; wireless charging; another step for silk optics; electron-photon dialogue; endoscopy and LED lighting markets.

OFC 2017: From ICs to Internet Innovations
The Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (OFC), the premier international event for advances in optical communications and networking, takes place this month in Los Angeles, Calif., USA. Optics & Photonics News talked with plenary speakers Urs Hölzle, Meint K. Smit and Mischa Dohler about their different takes on the future of optical communications.

International OSA Network of Students
IONS—a series of conferences for students, by students—turns ten.
Also in this Issue
Optics in the Undergrad Curriculum
Letters from OPN Readers
News from the Society
2017 OSA Ambassadors; honors to OCT pioneers; Hendon recognized by Obama White House; Fossum, Smith co-recipients of Queen Elizabeth prize; OSA members named as NAI fellows; congratulations to Edmund Optics; thanks to editors and meeting volunteers.