June 2009 Issue
Feature Articles
Green Silicon Photonics
Silicon photonics has shown great promise in overcoming communications bottlenecks and providing low-cost components for the Internet—but can it help “green” the industry as well? Harvesting the optical energy lost to two-photon absorption in silicon devices may pave the way toward reduced optical losses and the simultaneous generation of electrical power.
by Bahram Jalali, Sasan Fathpour and Kevin TsiaPhotonic Crystal LEDs
LEDs that have photonic crystals etched on them can direct the emission of light at preferred angles and enhance brightness without consuming more power. These devices have the potential to revolutionize the lighting industry—and spur widespread adoption of environmentally friendly lighting solutions.
by Faiz RahmanLidar in Space: From Apollo to the 21st Century
Over the last four decades, spaceborne lidar instruments have evolved beyond their original application—altimetry—to tracking glacier melting, gauging wind speeds and spotting snow on Mars.
by Patricia DaukantasLord Rayleigh: A Scientific Life
John William Strutt, also known as Lord Rayleigh, is well recognized as a pioneer in light scattering and other areas of optics. But he was also a master of iterative mathematical techniques for solving complex physical problems.
by Barry R. MastersDepartments and Columns
EDay a Green Day
Last year, secondary school teachers and administrators from throughout the Rochester area learned how to incorporate optics into simple experiments, activities and lesson plans at OSA’s annual Educators’ Day. The 2008 event had a special focus on the role of optics in the environment.
Riding Out the Recession
The photonics industry is hanging tough in the recession. In fact, many companies are still experiencing growth, although it may be subdued compared to 2008. Mark Crawford relays tips from the experts on how to survive—and thrive—during tough times.
Solar Energy: A Global Perspective
Germany, Spain and Japan are leading the world in integrating solar technologies into their energy policies. Now, the United States is starting to make solar a priority as well. Here, Alex Fong reviews solar policies around the globe and highlights successes and challenges.
Exploring Age-Related Farsightedness
Using a non-invasive light-scattering approach from materials science, a team from Ohio State University sheds light on presbyopia.
Reminiscences: Aden Goes to War
An OSA past president reminisces about his wartime experiences.
OPN Talks with Federico Capasso
Our conversation with Federico Capasso, laser pioneer and CLEO/IQEC speaker.
OPN Talks with Alain Aspect
Our conversation with Alain Aspect, quantum optics pioneer and CLEO/IQEC speaker.
In-Vivo Images of Retina’s “Dark” Cells
A team at the University of Rochester (N.Y., U.S.A.) has taken the first images of this layer of so-called “dark cells” in a living retina.
Did You Know?
Targeting malaria-carrying mosquitoes with laser light.