December 2016 Issue
Feature Articles

Optics in 2016
This special issue of Optics & Photonics News highlights the most exciting peer-reviewed optics research to have emerged over the past 12 months.
by Guest editors: Robert D. Guenther and colleagues
Winners of 2016 Photo Contest
Congratulations to the winners of OPN’s 11th annual After Image photo contest.
by Judges: Svetlana Boriskina, Mihaela Dinu, Alexandre Fong, Bob D. Guenther, Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan, Nick Lambert, Arlene Smith, Stephen R. WilkDepartments and Columns

Research and Industry News
Antireflective structures; battling glare; live-cell imaging; photons from nanotubes; ramping up ELI; women and Nobel Prizes; cancer, heart applications; venture capital; acquisitions.

Remembering A.M. Prokhorov
A look, by one of his colleagues, at the long and diverse career of a laser pioneer.

Retaining Postdoc Mothers in an Academic Career
Many female postdocs do not return to academia after their position ends. One way to increase retention could be fellowships specifically geared to the needs of postdocs who are also mothers.
Also in this Issue
Lessons from a Year as OSA President
“I have the honor to be, with the highest esteem, your obedient and humble servant.” —Thomas Jefferson
30, 20 and 10 Years Ago in OPN
News from the Society
Treasurer’s Award winner; White House honors OSA Centennial; new board members; conference travel; Duke University open house; thanks to editors and meeting volunteers; In memoriam Charles H. Henry.