October 2017 Issue
Feature Articles

High-Average-Power Ultrafast Lasers
Recent advances in the average-power capabilities of lasers with petawatt peak powers are enabling new science and applications in industry, biomedicine and security.
by Thomas M. Spinka and Constantin Haefner
Emerging Connections: Classical and Quantum Optics
The blurring of the classical-quantum boundary points to new directions in optics.
by Xiao-Feng Qian, A. Nick Vamivakas and Joseph H. Eberly
How Lasers Got Practical
In ease-of-use and reliability, particularly as aided by automation, lasers have come a long way since the first bare-bones products of the early 1960s.
by Jeff HechtDepartments and Columns

Research and Industry News
A waveguide made of bacteria; chip-scale Brillouin devices; revisiting the momentum paradox; unvaveling perovskite solar cells; a chemical photoswitch; laser power by the numbers; U.S. continues to mint Ph.D.s at a record pace; AIP and NPI news; data from flickering lights.

Challenging a Culture of Inequality
Progressive initiatives at a new Japanese academic institution tackle some deep-rooted gender inequities.

Explaining the Laser Market’s Long-Term Growth
Though the dependence on capital spending creates a cyclical business, a continual stream of new applications helps to keep laser sales growing.

“Thoughtographs” and Stanhope Lenses
A 1960s personality wowed audiences with his supposedly paranormal images—but magicians detected optical illusions, not sorcery.

Laser Power
Laser power spans many orders of magnitude—from microwatts to petawatts.
Also in this Issue
Social Media and Your Professional “Brand”
30, 20 and 10 Years Ago in OPN
News from the Society
OSA chases the “Great American Eclipse”; entrepreneruship workshop in Tanzania; CLEO-Pacific Rim; thanks, meeting volunteers and editors.