December 2015 Issue
Feature Articles
Optics in 2015
This special issue of Optics & Photonics News highlights the most exciting peer-reviewed optics research to have emerged over the past 12 months.
by Guest Editors: Robert D. Guenther and colleagues
Winners of 2015 Photo Contest
Congratulations to the winners of OPN’s 10th annual After Image photo contest. And thanks to each of you who submitted one of the nearly 70 amazing photos we received.
by Judges: Mihaela Dinu, Dmitry Dylov, Alexandre Fong, Bob D. Guenther, Brooke Hester, Bob Jopson, Nick Lambert, Arlene Smith, Zuleykhan Tomova and Stephen R. WilkDepartments and Columns
Headliners and industry updates.
Photonics for the New Era
As the International Year of Light comes to a close, OSA Member Tuan Vo-Dinh reflects on how light-based technologies are empowering the developing world.
AIM Photonics Update
OSA Members Michael Liehr, Thomas Koch, Nick Usechak and Tom Hausken talk about how the new AIM Photonics initiative will work to close the gap between university research and commercial investment.
Strategic Skills for Scientists
Benjamin Franta discusses methods for turning what you have into what you need to get what you want.