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Improving the Field with Dana Granciu

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Dana Granciu

For this installment of Senior Member Insights, we talk with Dana Granciu. Dana is an opto-mechanical engineer and scientific researcher with Întreprinderea Optică Română (IOR), Romania. The focus of her work includes multifunctional optoelectronic imaging systems, optical components and their breakthrough limits in intensive laser beams and telescopes.

What first interested you in pursuing science?

Since the early years of school, I liked most mathematics and physics. My parents were engineers, so it was in my family’s tradition to choose a technical university.

What is one question you had as a student/early professional that never seemed to be answered? Have you found the answer?

If there is life on other planets; I think so.

What professional resources do you rely on to stay active and engaged with your field?

I go to professional conferences, but not very often. The most important activity to stay engaged with the field of optical engineering is my participation in the development of standards within the International Organization for Standardization technical community ISO/TC 172 “Optics and Photonics.”

What is one piece of advice that you wish you were given as a student/early in your career?

To have the courage and/or the curiosity to approach new areas of study.

What tips do you have for effective collaboration in your field?

For a good collaboration, you have to work well and on time.

How do you define success in your career?

Success in career can be defined or understood in many ways: to be a very good professional, to have an important job, to receive awards and titles, etc. But for me, success means that your work is needed and appreciated in your team or in your business.

What are habits each day that help you to be successful?

A good sleep and a good coffee.

What advice do you have for young scientists who are about to interview for their first job?

To choose for the beginning of their career a place where one can learn the most and not necessarily where one can win the most.

At this point in your career, what are you most looking forward to next?

Running my own business.

If you weren’t in the sciences, what would be your dream career?

A dream career for me could be the study of the ancient history of my country.

Publish Date: 05 March 2019

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