Looking to the Future of Fusion Energy
At the Optica Laser Congress and Exhibition, Tammy Ma will talk about developments in laser inertial fusion and the path to commercialization.
A NIF fusion target capsule filled with cryogenic hydrogen fuel. [Courtesy of LLNL]
The Optica Laser Congress and Exhibition will take place from 20 to 24 October in Osaka, Japan. At the congress, Tammy Ma, lead for the Inertial Fusion Energy Institutional Initiative at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA, will give a plenary talk entitled, “Ignition Achieved: Next Steps in the Path Toward an Inertial Fusion Energy Future.” She plans to discuss the road ahead for laser inertial fusion since the achievement of ignition at the National Ignition Facility (NIF), and its potential as a clean and abundant energy source. OPN spoke with Ma before the congress to get a preview.
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