iStock / Alessia Kirkland
The Optical Society (OSA) marks its 100th anniversary year in 2016. This month, Optics & Photonics News helps to kick off that event with a number of articles and features:

President’s Message
Incoming OSA President Alan Willner offers his observations on the importance of the OSA anniversary, the role that OSA has played in his own career, and how OSA’s mission today continues to reflect many of the aspirations that animated the organization’s founders

The Road to OSA's Centennial
Our news section includes a visual look at some milestones for the society over the past 100 years.

OPN columns editor Sarah Michaud interviews OSA 2011 President Chris Dainty, the chair of the society’s Centennial Advisory Panel, about the themes and history underlying the yearlong event.

OSA Centennial Snapshots
Finally, the January 2016 issue includes the first of a series of historical articles, each of which will focus on a person, event or theme in one of the ten decades of OSA’s existence. The first article (by OSA’s editor, Stewart Wills), covering the decade from 1916 to 1925, looks at how World War I changed the optical-glass industry—and the role in those changes played by OSA’s second president, Frederick Wright.
OPN will be following the Centennial recognition throughout 2016. We look forward to seeing you at OSA events in the months to come!