Pulsed Laser Emits Bursts of Darkness
A U.S. team has created a passively mode-locked quantum-dot diode laser that gives off pulses of darkness against a background of near-infrared light.
Mingming Feng (left) of JILA and the University of Colorado and Kevin L. Silverman of NIST worked on the dark-pulse laser. (Inset) Colorized trace of pulses from the NIST/JILA "dark pulse" laser, indicating the light output nearly shuts down about every 2.5 ns.
The opposite of a pulsed-light laser is ... a laser that gives off pulses of darkness against a background of near-infrared light. A U.S. team has created a passively mode-locked quantum-dot diode laser (Opt. Express 18, 13385) that does exactly that.
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